Trey Michael was born 12 years ago tonight at 8:12 pm and weighed 8 lb. 12 oz. A lot of 12's were going on in his stats and now he has reached another 12! I can't believe he is getting this close to his teen years! Yikes!!
Trey is a fun loving guy who likes to laugh and make other people laugh. He LOVES his cat Cheta! He is a very creative guy. He loves to draw and write stories. He is in the 6th grade enjoying his first year in middle school and has discovered this year that he loves to run and has a goal to beat his momma which i'm sure he will accomplish before long at all! He plays the viola in orchestra at school and loves hanging out with his friends and cousins!
He chose to eat at a buffet tonight. Where else would a 12 year old growing boy choose than somewhere he can eat till he feels sick!
Happy 12th birthday Trey. We love you and are very proud of you and the young man that you are becoming!
4 years ago
Oh Trey, hard to believe that 12 years have gone by so fast. Hope you have a great Birthday and don't eat too much. Love you Trey!
Happy Birthday Trey!
Happy Birthday, Trey! He is such a sweet boy. I will never forget how kind and sweet he was to Joey when him and John stayed at our house a few years ago. That's one special boy!
Happy Birthday Trey! We love you.
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