Ten years ago today we welcomed a new baby girl into the world! She was born on January 24, 2001 at 4:11 pm. She weighed a whopping 9 lb. 2 oz. She, like her brother had a mop of dark hair on her head which i was excited about (i thought my girl might be bald since my boy had so much hair). I was wrong...
people always thought she was much older than she was. The hair threw them off. She is and always has been a little go getter. She started walking at 8 months old. It didn't even look right!
Avery loves to laugh, loves reading, will most all of the time be found doing a cartwheel, and is dying to take gymnastics! She is feisty yet quiet at times and can get extremely hyper and giggly when around her friends! She is in the 4th grade and her favorite subject is social studies. She loves to play kick ball at recess.
Happy 10th birthday Avery! We love you very much and are very proud of you! Avery chose her birthday dinner to be at Red Robin. She chose not to go to a buffet like Trey cause she "has to eat two vegetable there" :)
4 years ago
Happy Birthday, Avery! I can't believe how much hair you had as a baby! Hope you had a super great day!
Happy Birthday Avery! Hope you had a super fun day!
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