4 years ago
Monday, July 30, 2007
Lesson Learned...
overdoing it a bit might get you sent to the hospital.I felt really yucky this afternoon (nauseous, lightheaded, contractions). I worked at the drs office tonight, and just felt worse the more the night went on. I went to the restroom and just about passed out, and the girls i worked with walked me straight back to the nurses to have them take my blood pressure. My bp was up so that had me lay down and the dr that was there didn't do ob care so he wanted me to go get monitored at the hospital. I was having quite a few contractions when we first got there but they had me lay on my side some more and they slowed way down. Anyway after about an hr and half they said we could go because the contractions weren't changing anything. One good thing is that i now have 1 more thing knocked off my to do list- pre-register for the hospital- they went ahead and had me fill out some baby papers while i was there :)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Finished !!
Well we got the crib put together today and did a lot of "going through stuff" in Avery's room. We just don't have room for all the shelves that she had before so i am having to do some major organizing. The crib needs a bedskirt and i need to get a new valance for her window, but other than that the rooms are complete!! I feel so much more prepared now, so i can go to work tonight and go into labor!! I could only wish! :)
Friday, July 27, 2007
Under Construction...
Well, not actually construction but a lot of change. Today my mom came into town bringing another crib and twin bed that we are borrowing. Thanks SO much Greg & Susan for letting us borrow the beds!! Yes, we decided to keep Ethan in his crib for the time being so we will have two cribs in the house! The other day i spent all day going over in my mind and surfing the net, trying to figure out what decor i was going to go with in the girls room, and then today we started the day out early on the hunt for what i had planned. The main color for their room is chocolate brown, with off white, and accented with some sage green. I am in the process this evening of painting what used to be the boys blue dresser, brown. We had to switch dressers because the girls furniture is white now and the boys is the natural color, so at the moment we have all of Avery's clothes on her floor. I spent a couple of hours tonight and got the boys room all put back together. It is still staying the same, just a different bed and dresser. By the end of the weekend i should hopefully have it all put together and ready to bring another little munchkin into this crowded little house of ours:) I will take some pics once i have everything finished. My mom also came with some gifts, which was a nice surprise!! Thank you very much, Mom! A huge pack of diapers, of which i had bought none yet, and lot's of cute clothes, burp cloths, socks ect.. all of which i needed because i haven't prepared very well this time, and a BUMBO seat, which i was excited about because i had wanted to get one this time. We tried it out with Brooklyn tonight, she's almost 3 months and she seemed to like it. She looked so cute sitting up in it. I'm sure i will be up in the middle of the night putting everything in Avery's dresser when the paint dries. I need stuff to do at 3 in the morning anyway, because there is nothing but infomercials on at that hr.
Last night i finally took a unisom after 2 hrs of trying to fall asleep, and then of all nights Ethan decided to wake up at 1 am. The sleeping pill had completely wiped me out and so i just brought him out and laid him on the living room floor beside the couch where i was sleeping and luckily he just went right back to sleep. I wasn't functioning very well so it was good he was cooperative!
My 37 week appt was this last Wed. Nothing newsy there, she will check me at my next appt on Wed. and then will know more what she feels comfortable with re: induction. She induced me a week early with Ethan, so we will see what happens.
Last night i finally took a unisom after 2 hrs of trying to fall asleep, and then of all nights Ethan decided to wake up at 1 am. The sleeping pill had completely wiped me out and so i just brought him out and laid him on the living room floor beside the couch where i was sleeping and luckily he just went right back to sleep. I wasn't functioning very well so it was good he was cooperative!
My 37 week appt was this last Wed. Nothing newsy there, she will check me at my next appt on Wed. and then will know more what she feels comfortable with re: induction. She induced me a week early with Ethan, so we will see what happens.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Hangin Out
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Oh Yeah...
another weekend down, and oh yeah, sitting here with ice packs strapped to my back!! :) Thank goodness for highchairs at work, because i plant myself on one just about every chance i get! I got so hot tonight i thought i was going to pass out so i went and sat in the walk in cooler for awhile, that was nice and refreshing and i felt much better. I think she may have dropped some, from the feel of things and i think when she dropped, she dropped right onto a nerve that controls my right hip. Owe Owe Owe.... ok i have the whining out of my sytem now, so i'm going to go readjust these ice packs now...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Trey Is On A Mission...
to catch a bunny rabbit. He has been talking about it for days, trying by standing in the backyard with a carrot and and net in hand. Daddy finally helped him come up with a contraption with a string attached, now a rabbit just has to decide to walk under his box. :) We will see how long he decides to sit out there. He has some food under the box as well. I don't have a picture, but Avery has now joined him at his post with some dress up gloves on.
Monday, July 16, 2007
I had a sonogram today. Looks like Raegan is going to keep up with her siblings in the size dept. She is around 6.4 lbs. and measuring two weeks ahead. Everything looks good, she turned around to be head down so that made me happy that we didn't have to worry about that. I don't have another appt for another week. At my 35 week appt last week i had packed on another 4 lbs, bringing me up to the 30 lb mark. My goal is to keep it under 40 so we will see. The dr also gave me some sample rx med for the awful acid reflux i've been having, and i have not had ANY trouble since so that has been great! I am having a hard time sleeping, par for the course at this point in pregnancy, i feel like i can't breathe laying down so i end up sleeping in the recliner some. I worked at Chilis this weekend and decided that even though i was going to try to go till the end, to have them take me off the schedule after the last week in July. My hips feel like i am very old, and the braxton hicks contractions i have constantly just about did me in, but i survived the weekend. :) Now the goal is to just get through two more. In the last couple of weeks i may pick up a night or two just to try to send myself into labor. :)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Looking Back...
Ethan is growing up , no longer a baby but a toddler now. I have been a little sad lately that he is not going to be my little baby anymore. I have felt this way with each new addition we have made to the family. As most of you know, we had 3 hard years before we were blessed with Ethan. Three pregnancy losses, with some fertility issues we had no idea we had and several procedures later at the most unexpected time God showed us that he is in control, and blessed us with a pregnancy. I remember going to the dr and having my counts be extremely low and being told to be prepared, that i may very well miscarry. Then there was the visit to the dr to see if there was a heartbeat, i was terrified, but what an awesome sound to hear that heart beating away!! Trey and Avery prayed so faithfully for so long for a baby every single night! It was a good lesson for all of us to learn as we had to explain to them that God doesn't always answer our prayers just the way we want him to. I wouldn't trade those several years because it changed my perspective on things greatly and also taught me a whole lot! Trey, Avery and i have a little secret... they will always be my babies even as they are getting bigger. Shhh Ethan it will be our little secret, you will always be my little baby too!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Daddy's Home!
watching for daddy's plane to arrive
Ethan clung to daddy for a couple of minutes
Today had to be the LONGEST day ever. The kids knew that it was afternoon before we would head to the airport, and at 9:00 this morning they started asking about every 5 minutes if it was time yet. Ethan knew something was up and only napped for an hr and was very clingy and fussy. Johnny's flight was supposed to get in at 4;27 but was delayed about 45 min. so we had a nice long wait once we got to the airport as well. Finally daddy's plane arrived, Ethan yelled "daddy" as soon as he saw him, and Trey and Avery were extremely excited! We headed straight home and i went and picked us up some pizza and we spent the evening at home together. It feels very good to have our family back together again! Johnny is exausted and has the day off tommorow still so will be able to catch up on some sleep hopefully.
Ethan clung to daddy for a couple of minutes
Today had to be the LONGEST day ever. The kids knew that it was afternoon before we would head to the airport, and at 9:00 this morning they started asking about every 5 minutes if it was time yet. Ethan knew something was up and only napped for an hr and was very clingy and fussy. Johnny's flight was supposed to get in at 4;27 but was delayed about 45 min. so we had a nice long wait once we got to the airport as well. Finally daddy's plane arrived, Ethan yelled "daddy" as soon as he saw him, and Trey and Avery were extremely excited! We headed straight home and i went and picked us up some pizza and we spent the evening at home together. It feels very good to have our family back together again! Johnny is exausted and has the day off tommorow still so will be able to catch up on some sleep hopefully.
Today Is The Day....
that daddy finally get's home!! He left for the Philippines on The 30th for his missions trip. I hadn't said anything specifically on my blog just for safety reasons if you know what i mean. Just never know. The kids are SO excited to see daddy, and i'm pretty excited myself. The first day he was traveling, the movie Castaway was on tv, Trey loves that movie so the kids watched it. That will really get an 8 yr olds mind working, and not the best idea when their daddy is flying over the ocean!! I wasn't thinking! The kids got to talk to daddy on Monday night and Ethan just giggled when he heard daddy's voice and hasn't stopped talking about daddy since. Trey has all kinds of "presents" gathered up for daddy and Avery made a very sweet welcome home card. Please pray for safety for the remainder of his trip.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
My Little Nerds...
We all went out to my brother's place in Blue Springs today to enjoy his pool for the day. Ethan loved the water today and kept mommy very busy because he was a little too brave, jumping in off the side and just wanting to swim without help. With the arm wings and the life jacket he stayed up pretty good and loved it. He then found the goggles and wouldn't take them off the rest of the day, crazy guy. We have gotten more swimming in this last week than we probably will all summer.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Water Park Again...
No pics this time because i didn't feel like messing with my camera yesterday. We went to the water park yesterday from 1-6:15. Daddy would be proud to see that Trey has perfected his diving board skills to doing flips off the diving board!! I was quite impressed :) He was off running with his cousins most of the day till towards the end when his eyes were "soggy"?? from the chlorine. Ethan got a little more comfortable with the water yesterday and even went down the little water slide by himself with me at the bottom to catch him over and over and i had to finally pull him away screaming. For the most part though i sat in the zero depth entry with him climbing around me like i was a jungle gym He napped on the lawn chair for almost 1 and half hrs in the shade so that was nice. Avery entertained herself well by the smaller slide and pool area again most of the day. It was another fun-filled day for the kids!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
July 4th
Yesterday i went out to the new Gardner water park with my sister's and their kids. We had quite a crew! Trey had never jumped off a diving board before but after seeing all his cousins get up there and do it peer pressure set in and off the board he went! Avery was not quite tall enough to go on the water slides but liked this smaller white one and the lazy river. Ethan and i hung out in the little kiddie play area and he never wandered far from my side, he was a little unsure of the water. My sister's and i were wanting Mexican so Uncle Damon kept all the kids (except i took Ethan) and fed them pizza at the house while us girls went out to eat. Thanks Damon! We headed over to Julie's then to let the kids play outside and watch the fireworks display. Aunt Julie had a table full of snacks that dissappeared very fast. The kids were all beat when we got home and are still sleeping!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Susan and her kiddos have come to stay with me for a few days, they were going to be coming today but called last night and were on their way up, so the kids will have lot's to do for the next few days. Avery was crying most of yesterday afternoon because her ear was hurting bad, so after her allergy shots last night i went ahead and had her seen in urgent care. She had a blister on her ear drum, so we got an antibiotic for that. Ethan was a "terrible two toddler" while at the dr complete with throwing himself on the floor, yelling no at the top of his lungs and whacking at his brothere and sister for anything they did. Then when we went to get the rx he decided to become hudini and climb out of the cart belt no matter how tight i made it. Needless to say i had HAD it and was exausted by the time i get home. I know Raegan will be lot's of work when she get's here but i am ready to have her on the outside so that i can move comfortably again!!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
It's started... i am a cleaning freak! Today i washed all our bedding and iv'e been cleaning out, organizing any little thing i can find. The other day it was the boys room, cleaning off closet shelves creating a little storage system where Trey can keep his "Ethan can't touch toys"! Trey hauled some things up to the attic for me the other day, nice to have a big helper! I'm sure i will find lot's more to do from now till d-day!:) In fact i think my front closet could use some organizing...better go get busy :)
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