At least that what our house feels like sometimes (all 1200 square feet of it). I have been running myself a little ragged lately...trying to keep up with my jobs, the house, my know every mom's 24 hr a day job! We have completed painting the outside of our house...the painting was not the hardest part of that, it was the many hours of prepping to paint...SO glad that's done! And our insurance renewed us...long story!
Laundry is never-ending and i think it actually multiplies itself once put in the hamper, i always have at least two loads waiting to be folded and put away...listening to the oldest two fight over the smallest things or make their little brother or sister scream or cry makes my blood boil sometimes, not simmer-FULL ROLLING BOIL and then bubbles over sometimes too!...the house immediately is trashed the second we walk in the door (part of being in a small house) but drives me insanely crazy!...i shake my kitchen rugs and sweep the floor at least 5 times a day, again driving me insanely crazy...guess i need to get new kitchen rugs that don't show everything...standing in the rain waiting for my 3 yr old to exit the van EVER SO SLOWLY tries my patience...the kids tracking mud through the house after i just cleaned up the last trail makes me a little seems we have to constantly go from one thing to the next and that exausts me!
Don't get me wrong...i am SO THANKFUL for my little house, i truly am...i am thankful to own a home...but a basement and a playroom...ahh that would be heaven on earth! I may start sending my kids to the crawl space to play...KIDDING!
So there is my rantings for the day...i love my life, love my family but i'm KEEPING IT REAL...i have days when i want to pull my hair out ( and not just the gray ones)!!
I HAVE to add some pictures, so here is my little cutie patutie...
4 years ago
I am sorry, Elisa. I don't know how you do all that you do. I can't keep up with my house and I never go anywhere. :) Come buy that bank owned house behind us. Surely it is really cheap by now.
Set those older 2 kids folding laundry every time they argue. That will stop it really quick. And if it doesn't it will sure help you take care of that laundry problem. :)
Love you!
Amen sister!!! I can relate. Our house is only 1300 square feet, so we have no room to spare either. We just put it on the market, so I have been feeling stressed. I'm trying to get it super clean and organized, but everything I organize gets unorganized by four little people while a fifth little person needs to be fed or cuddled or changed. BUT, I'm with you...
our children are amazing blessings and gifts from God. I sat and smiled and laughed at my five little gifts as they showed off their "mad skills" tonight! Love it!
Elisa, don't you feel better after venting? :) My house is just under 1000 sq feet so I know how you feel. I don't know what we will do if we have any more kids!!
4 kids 2 bedrooms and never ending list of to-do's. Totally with you on that one! Love my life too, but mommy-hood is tiring and rewarding. We live with what we have and thank God for it, but we can't help but think if only's. A 5 br 4ba house with 2 garages and a full finished basement sure sounds good, but would we ever see our kids then and would we be happier? More to clean then! I'm with you sister!
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