Thursday, February 21, 2008


Raegan has had two awesome days and nights!! She took a 2 and half hr nap for me in her swing yesterday which she hasn't done in i don't even know how long! The last two nights she has slept in her car seat by our bed and only woke up once to eat each night and then went right back to sleep. I think the Atarax is really helping with the itching because she has not been clawing at her skin to the degree she was just two days ago!! I am very encouraged so far!

We saw the allergist today. We will start to switch her formula to the Nutramigen today. He wants me to only give her the rice cereal with applesauce that i have been giving her and no more food till we see him again. This is because she has had really loose stools after eating some foods but hasn't the last couple of days when she has had just that. He is having me keep track of her breathing respirations once a day for the next 30 days, and charting it. He did hear some wheezing today and she also has another ear infection, so she gets her second antibiotic.

So with her being such a happy, good sleeping baby the last couple of days- i'm really hoping this formula changing doesn't screw her system up...but if the end result helps her i guess it would be worth it!

Tomorrow she goes for her 6 month appoint and shots so she has had quite the full week of doctors visits.


John and Melanie said...

Way too go Raegan! Keep sleeping good for your Mommy.

Hopefully she keeps sleeping good for you. We take for granted sleeping through the night until we have kids and then we realize how nice it is.

grammaneir said...

I'm so glad to hear things are better and dear little Raegan - we love you and hope you are feeling better.

Marilee We Roll Along said...

Elisa, this is a great update for both you and Raegan!

Paula said...

Awesome-good job Raegan!

Jen said...

Hi Elisa! I am so glad to hear that you are finding some help with Raegan's eczema! I was just thinking about you the other day as a matter of fact (and I hadn't even been on blogger since I posted last) I was going to tell you what I found out about MY eczema. Andy talked to a lady awhile back at a natural foods pharmacy about it. She told him that I needed to go off all dairy. I tried it and my hands completely cleared up!!! Everytime I eat anything with dairy in it, I start itching. It's crazy. I have been going to Wild Oats (natural foods grocery store) and getting non-dairy milk, cheese, butter, sour cream, etc. and replacing the dairy in my diet with those. It's crazy how my hands cleared up after so many frustrating years dealing with it! I also still use all natural hand soap and i'm sure the girls would respond well to that too. (I don't know if you've already tried that or not) Anyway, just thought I'd pass along my findings.

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad to hear that she AND you are doing so much better! I didn't realize that she was still getting up a lot at night and not sleeping much during the day--UGGGGGGGGHHH!!! I'm so happy to hear that you are getting more sleep now! Sleep=good! :)