Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I got tagged by Val (Thrilla in Manila), so here are 6 quirky things that you didn't even know you wanted to know about me:

1. If i swim and get cold and get the goosebumps, i feel as though the hair on my legs grew an inch and i have to shave again right away even though i have already shaved once. This is also if i take a shower at night after exercising. I only have to shave the bottom half of my leg though the top part doesn't bother my.

2. I have had a security blanket (now it's an afghan sp?) since i was a baby. When i decided to get rid of each one i would just get attached to another one. I was recently given a new one to replace my tattered and torn one that Johnny said was going to be the death of me because i was going to strangle myself some night.

3. I use shout stain remover uncontrollably. I spray every piece of clothing even if there is no stain because i am scared of missing a stain. Yes, i go through a bottle of shout a week.

4. I can not get myself to finish a can of soda. I am sure my mom will vouch for me on this one :) Soda in a cup with ice is a different story but the last half of a can just doesn't taste good. I have not had soda in almost a month so there is a lot less wasting going on in the Seaba house!

5. I can't stand "almost empty" things. Three things that drive me crazy when they are less than half full are : my pretzel jar on my counter- i will go to the store for just a bag of pretzels so that i have a full jar. The diaper baskets and the wipes container that we keep in the front room. Very silly but really get's to me when they are low.

6. Drinking out of the cone cups at work just about makes me gag. That is up there with nails on a chalkboard. I pour it into my mouth but if it touches it gives me the eebie jeebies.

As a summary- i am obsessive and wasteful! :)

I am now tagging- June-(smattering of duehrings) Susan (Lanker Landings), Julie (kc veers) , Jen (dixon) Melanie (three's company) and Dee Dee (neirly news). Cmon girls... this is fun


Unknown said...

Great list--seriously! You have some quirkiness going on. =)

Oh man! I hear you on the cone cup thing. BLAH! I think it stems from the wooden utensil thing for me.

I think its great that you replace the diapers and wipes when they get low. There's nothing worse than putting on the last diaper and hoping they don't poop before you can get to the store! The pretzels aren't quite as high on my priority list... =)

Thanks for playing along!

Marilee We Roll Along said...

Elisa, This was really fun to read! I smiled at you not wanting to run out of certain things--baby wipes,etc. I'm the same way with toilet paper and dish detergent. Once I let us run out of detergent for the dishwasher. My dear husband decided to "simply" put Tide in the dishwasher. We spent the night trying to do something will billows of suds coming out!

Paula said...

I try to do the same thing with diapers and wipes but I had to buy a new pack b/c I was done to three but that was more money-issue than knowing the quantity decreasing. :)

Jen said...

That was GREAT!!! I'll try to type out some of my quirks when I get some time later this week.
I love the "Shout" one. That is great! Love ya, you "obsessive, wasteful" girl, you! :) Have a great week!