Thursday, December 06, 2007

3 1/2 Month Photo Shoot

look at me pose
discovering my fingers for the first time- caught on camera
our little sweetheart

i don't miss any meals

A snowy day, sick kids, and nowhere to go anyway -plus a new camera that Johnny got for work that i wanted to try out was a perfect day to stay in and snap some pictures of Raegan at 3 1/2 months. I had pictures scheduled for the kids tomorrow but i think i will reschedule since Trey is sick and Raegan clawed her face last night and has scratches all over her forehead.


June Duehring said...

Cute pictures. She is a doll.

What kind of camera did you get?

I hope the sickness stops with Trey and doesn't move through the house.

grammaneir said...

What a cutie pie! Glad to hear Trey is feeling better. You all take care.

Elisa Seaba said...

It's a nikon June- i haven't fully figured it out yet but it's nicer than ours for sure! :) Yes i hope the sickness stops with Trey!!!

John and Melanie said...

Oh she is so cute! She did really good posing for you. She is so sweet

Paula said...

What a tummy-sooo cute!!!!