I am thankful for so much! I am blessed to have four healthy children. I have a husband that loves me and is such a great dad! I have a Savior who died for me and loves me even though i am undeserving! I have a cozy little home, vehicles that run, my kids go to a great school and have great teachers. (amazing how many Christian teachers they have had along the way) I go to a pretty awesome church that digs deep into the Word. I have some pretty cool friends if i do say so myself. I have a supportive and loving family on both sides. I live in a free country!
I am very grateful, though many times it is easy to become ungrateful and wish for more. i remind myself often just how good we have it in comparison to so much of the world...we have so much, so much to be grateful for!
I asked my kids each to come in and tell me 5 things that they are grateful for. This is what they said: in no particular order of course
Trey- Cheta my cat, food (of which he eats a lot!), family, God and being able to do better in math
Avery- she wrote down 10 things for me and i told her we were just doing 5 so had her circle her top 5 but as i sit here and type i think, why limit her to 5 so here are her top 10- food, water, family, church, school, Bible, Cheta, house, friends, JESUS (she put that in all capitals so i thought i would too)
Ethan- Ethan had a hard time at first because he had just wiped out on his scooter and skinned his knee pretty bad so in his 6 yr old mind at the time he really didn't have anything to be grateful for but after he thought for a little bit here is what he said- for my school, our house, for the world, for my family, for my mommy (what can i say he is a momma's boy), our city.
Raegan- Grandma, i like how God made us, Max and Sadie (dogs) , your purse (it happened to be hanging on my chair) , for you getting me my Dora book.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
4 years ago