Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our Mornings

This is how Trey and Avery start every morning off. Avery usually has her blanket over her head too. Until breakfast is in front of them they are pretty much just continuing their night's sleep at the table. I have to physically pull Avery out of bed and stand her up and walk her towards the kitchen in order to get her moving.


A Full House said...

That is hilarious!

Jen said...

Oh my word!!! That is absolutely hilarious! I love it! Ben goes from the bed directly to the couch and can't even eat breakfast until the car ride to school so I feel your pain... :) How funny!

John and Melanie said...

That's the way it is at our house too, except it's John with his head down on the table.

Paula said...


Anonymous said...


Michelle said...

so funny...I can't imagine being the one to wake up my child instead of the other way around, but that will be nice! :)