Wednesday, April 09, 2008

We Got A New Vacuum!!

the crab crawl (Ethan never did crawl on 2 knees so we will see if she follows suit)
pure determination
Raegan 7 and half months old
the inch worm crawl
awww success!

We will rent it out by the hour to anyone who would like. It picks up EVERYTHING! It's pretty cute too if i do say so myself. Yes that's right our little Raegan has gone mobile! Back to the mode of doing the floor scan check to see if anything is laying around could fit through a toilet paper roll. She especially gravitates towards paper and i have had to do some swiping of the mouth several times. She hasn't officially figured out the correct crawling method- she started about a week and a half ago with the army crawl and has progressed to getting up on her knees and then lunging on her chest. She is like a little inch worm and can move pretty fast if she sees something she really wants. This morning she started doing the little crab crawl that Ethan did but didn't stay up very long. Trey thinks it's great that Avery's room mate is now going to start trashing her room. He says "now your gonna see what it's like"!

On the medical side, she had a follow up with the allergist yesterday and got the a-okay to proceed with veggies and meats and most anything else babies her age are eating. She is still doing awesome! She does still spit up (which stopped when we were transitioning formulas) so he gave us a rx for reflux medicine to try out. It's not anything like she used to but she still does so we will try that out.


Anonymous said...
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Paula said...

Now Abigial just needs to learn from Raegan. :)

John and Melanie said...

We have a vacuum like that too. He is starting the army crawl but he mainly gets around by scooting backwards. I have to scan the floor for barbie shoes and accessories. It is amazing how fast they can get to something.