Sunday, October 21, 2007

Playing At The Park

Before we went to pick out our pumpkins yesterday we took the kids to the park to play for a awhile. We went on a walk and the kids each had a mission of finding several different things along the way. Daddy and mommy's mission was to keep the wind out of Raegan's face and ears!

Raegan is still is very congested and we are pretty sure this is probably allergies. She has some eczema on her face although so far not too severe. Her little ears are cracking just like Ethan and Avery's did. With how she is at this point i have a feeling she will only have mild eczema like Ethan but time will tell. By this age we were calling Avery our little alligator baby because her skin was so rough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, I LOVE the pumpkin pictures. We're so jealous over here. No fall, no pumpkins, no cold breeze. =) (sigh) Next year!

The picture of the three kids holding hands is so sweet.