Monday, October 08, 2007

Very Slow Mile...

I'm going to journal this so that in a few months when i'm breezing through those miles (ha ha) i will feel like i have come a long way. I ran on the treadmill tonight and i think i ran my slowest mile ever! My legs wanted to stop at a half mile. I made Johnny stand there and talk to me so i wouldn't watch the numbers drag ever so slowly by. Wow i got a long ways to go. But let me tell ya the reflection of my body in the window while running is motivation enough to want to run 10 miles tonight! :) That marathon is looking a long ways away..... :)


The Lanker Family said...

I hear ya!
:)Good job on the mile!!!!

grammaneir said...

You'll do fine - just need a little time - after all, you just had a baby:)