Thursday, May 01, 2008

Avery's First Soccer Game

Last Saturday was Avery's very first soccer game. We had two weeks of cancelled games due to rain, but finally got the season going. She had decided after we signed her up that "she didn't want to play soccer", but we told her she had to give it a try since we had already paid for it. After the first practice, she loved it! She impressed Daddy and Mommy by being pretty aggressive and going after the ball. Besides some coughing, she had no trouble with her asthma (didn't even have to use her inhaler!) either which was one of my worries, so that made me happy!


Unknown said...

Aww...she's so precious! I can't wait for little league stuff!

Paula said...

How fun! I'm glad she decided to give it a try.

grammaneir said...

Good job Avery - you'll do great!