Friday, March 28, 2008

Tummy Time

Raegan likes to sleep on her tummy- apparently REALLY likes to sleep on her tummy! The car seat is her bed for the 2nd half of the night and this was this morning while the kids were getting ready for school. She manages to get herself flipped over and out of her seat. She slept this way for about 30 minutes.

She had her 6 month appt this morning (even though she is now 7 months). Stats are -she is 16.1 lbs. (27th %) and 73rd % in height. She got 4 shots and screamed for about 30 seconds and then just wimpered a bit and was done.

She has started the army crawl (move her arms and lunge her body) when she wants to get to something she can't reach. I doubt it will be very long till she figures out how to get those knees up and go.


Marilee We Roll Along said...

Raegan, I like this! It's fun to sleep in any position.

John and Melanie said...

I guess as long as she is sleeping it doesn't matter how. But that is too funny :)

June Duehring said...

That is hilarious!

grammaneir said...

How cute! Obviously still tired:)

Unknown said...

AH! That is a great picture of Raegan! So funny