Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ethan's Turn

Well yesterday Ethan woke up with a fever so i guess he didn't get to sit out this bug. He is like a faucet out of his nose, fever and fussy but doesn't seem to have it as bad as Trey had so that's great! Last night he woke up at 3am and i ended up sleeping on the couch with him on my tummy the rest of the night. Trey is doing a lot better but still complains of not feeling real well. He has a nasty cough and still says his throat hurts some but is SO much better than he was and fever free. Avery is her peppy little self! I was feeling pretty cruddy yesterday and had a fever part of the day, i have a cough and congestion but i am feeling better than i was yesterday. I tried to take some pics of Ethan today but my batteries went dead and he really hasn't been in too much of a picture taking mood.:)

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