4 years ago
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Destructive Morning
I worked last night so i was catching up on one of my favorite shows "Prison Break", and thought Ethan was playing nicely in the other room. That's what i get for thinking...I came out to find him coloring his daddy's yearbook with an orange marker. Not till later did i find what all else was orange, which i really wasn't in the mood to take pictures of at the time! (Thank goodness for the magic eraser!!!) Let's just say i spent awhile going around the house scrubbing. He did get ahold of one of Trey's school library books and ripped the first page out and added some color to the book! And then i found the broken blind to top off my morning! As i was cleaning, i said "oh Ethan, what am i going to do with you?" Avery chimed in " I think you mabye should take him to the doctor mommy and see what's wrong with him."
Monday, February 26, 2007
Little Artist
Thursday, February 22, 2007
15 Week Appt.
I had my ob appt. today and everything was good. The heartbeat was 160. I gained 2 lbs this last month which surprised me (i figured it would be more than that!) She told me to schedule my sonogram in 3 weeks! I can't wait to find out if we are going to have a boy or a girl! We will keep you posted... I was looking back at my old pregnancy calendar, and how i didn't start wearing maternity clothes till 24 weeks with Trey. Oh my goodness how things change with each pregnancy... :)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
My Snotty Nosed Little Guy
Actually we are all kind of snotty nosed around here, Trey, Ethan and I anyway. I finally went to the doctor today because i have been miserable with this upper repiratory stuff. Two nights of not sleeping well and one night of sleeping in the recliner upright so that i could breathe and i had had it. They gave me an antibiotic so hopefully it will work really fast! The kids were finally back to school today after a week and a day off so it was nice to get back into our routine.
Monday, February 19, 2007
A Day With My Boy
Avery & Ethan spent the night with Grandma last night so it's just me and Trey today. I have been DYING to get my van cleaned out thoroughly so first thing this morning we headed out to the gas station and vacuumed and washed the van. Then we went to get some Mcdonalds breakfast. Trey is always begging for a Mcdonalds Big Breakfast so of course that's what he got. I enjoy spending one-on-one time with the kids. It's supposed to get to 60 degrees today!! I am beyond ready for spring and it looks like it's going to be nice all week! YAY! Not sure what else we are going to do today, Trey's first pick was to go fishing, but i told him that would have to be with daddy along :)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Ethan's Turn
Well yesterday Ethan woke up with a fever so i guess he didn't get to sit out this bug. He is like a faucet out of his nose, fever and fussy but doesn't seem to have it as bad as Trey had so that's great! Last night he woke up at 3am and i ended up sleeping on the couch with him on my tummy the rest of the night. Trey is doing a lot better but still complains of not feeling real well. He has a nasty cough and still says his throat hurts some but is SO much better than he was and fever free. Avery is her peppy little self! I was feeling pretty cruddy yesterday and had a fever part of the day, i have a cough and congestion but i am feeling better than i was yesterday. I tried to take some pics of Ethan today but my batteries went dead and he really hasn't been in too much of a picture taking mood.:)
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Day 5
This is sick day 5 for Trey. The dr called yesterday and his test came back positive for influenza A. He has been drinking fluids for us pretty good but we can't get him to eat yet. He must be pretty achy because he will not walk anywhere in the house without help. His fever stayed down around 100 yesterday afternoon and evening but is back up to 102 today. Apparently the flu shot really helped Avery becasue she is acting like she feels better today and doesn't have a fever. The kids school was cancelled today due to the snow and they are out the rest of the week for conferences so i guess if they were going to get sick it was a good week to do it.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Two Sickies
Trey is on day 4, and Avery woke up this morning with a fever. Grandma Seaba came and rescued Ethan from the sickies so that was nice, i'm really hoping that he doesn't get this junk. Trey had 105 fever yesterday morning and has stayed fairly high but today is down around 100 so i'm thinking he may be on the end of his. Avery is complaining of her head hurting but besides the fever that is all so far.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Sick Little Guy
Trey is feeling really yucky. He is running a high fever pretty continuously. I took him to the dr today to make sure he didn't have strep throat since he has a sore throat but the test was negative. They did the flu test but we won't know till Monday if that is positive. If this is the flu it will be interesting to see if Avery and Ethan avoid it because they both had the flu shot (Avery get's it every yr because of her asthma and Ethan got it at his 1 yr visit). Hopefully he will get feeling better soon!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
So That Someday I Don't Forget...
my morning in a nutshell. Ethan decided to wake up about 45 min. earlier than the other kids this morning and wanted to play basketball. I tried to give him milk in a sippy and he wanted absolutely nothing to do with it, only in a bottle. That's a battle for another day...We got Trey off to school, breakfast eaten and then bathtime for Avery and Ethan (this usually gives mommy a few min. to pick up a little around the house while they play nicely in the tub) Today Avery decided to torment her brother and make him stand by the edge and scream to get out. Avery and Ethan were all dressed, laundry put away, and the house was straightened, yay! All the was left was for mommy to have a few peaceful min. to get a shower. About half way through my shower i heard something break outside the door and then i her Avery bawling. I peak out to see Avery standing there holding her tea set plate that Ethan had broke into about 6 pieces.Avery calms down with the reassurance that daddy can fix anything with superglue. I then hear screaming again, this time i poke my head out to see Avery with blood all over her hands (ok this is where i panic a little and get a little light headed) I grab a washcloth and hold it on and see that it's a minor cut and that i'm not going to have to rush to the er with shampoo in my hair. Ethan had tried to grab a piece of the plate from her and it cut her. Amazingly i got to finish my shower and then it was lunch time... have i mentioned that the smell of hot dogs and catsup make me want to vomit, but when you are in a hurry...Got Avery off to school, Ethan fell asleep in the car on the way home and AHHH i am off to relax...
Heard It! Heard It! Heard It!
This baby's heartbeat!! This morning i gave the doppler a try again and there it was beating away. What a good sound to hear, and what a relief! I have been trying so hard not to worry but having a hard time not, and all i wanted to do was hear the little heartbeat so now i am happy as can be:) I called Avery in to listen to it and she said "can you tell if it's a girl?" I said no we will have to wait awhile longer for that. So anyway that's my excitement for the day.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Late Night Snack
Monday, February 05, 2007
Trey's New Bed
Thanks to his cousin Maggie passing on her old bed to Trey, he has finally graduated to a BIG bed! He was way past due for this!!! It took quite a lot of rearranging in the boys room to finally get everything settled but we finally have most everything in it's place. He can't wait to sleep in his new bed!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
Best Buds...
... that is whenever they are not fighting like cats and dogs. It is one extreme to the other. Tonight they got along pretty well besides a few minor arguments about who was going to sit where, who was going to get tucked in first and little things like that. They both came in the room tonight with their faces painted with magic marker (they were being indians) and then later Trey was a horse and giving her a ride all over the house.
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