Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Look What I Can Do!!

sissy working with Raegan so i could get some video
what is going on with my arm here??
the object of my affection~that colorful little rattle
here we go ~here we go
aww~ sweet success!

We put Raegan down on the floor tonight to stretch for awhile and went about our watching the KU game and doing a load of laundry and all of a sudden we both noticed that she had flipped over to her tummy. She has been playing with this toy all day today and loves it and was trying to get it. Once she went over once she wouldn't stay on her back~she would flip over every time we put her back.

We went to urgent care tonight with Avery and Raegan. Avery came home from school yesterday with a fever and has been complaining about her head and ears hurting so sure enough the dr took one look in her ear and turned to me and said "ouch". Raegan was fine, just a cold but i wanted to get her ears checked too since i was there.


grammaneir said...

Good job Raegan:) You're a sweetie
Avery, Sorry to hear your ears hurt - we pray they will feel better quickly. Love you!

John and Melanie said...

Good Job Raegan! Hope you feel better soon Avery.

Unknown said...

Aw, I hope Avery feels better soon! Poor girl. And, way to go Raegan!! Right on schedule... (It cracks me up how excited I get about this first major milestone. =)

Paula said...

Yea Reagan! Your buddy hasn't rolled again since that first time.