Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"I Did It"

"Went poo-poo on the potty mommy". Sure enough he had! Whether i like it or not we are in full blown potty training. I was trying to delay this becasue i didn't want a long drawn out process, but due to the fact that Ethan will not leave on a diaper or pullup and simply prefers to just hang out in the nude, or if he does pee in something immediately wants it off- i am forced to proceed with my least favorite thing of parenthood! As i type this i turned around to peek at him and sure enough there he is laying on the couch in the buff watching Dora. I know they say that is a good way to do it (just let them run around naked) but i have never been to keen on the idea because it made this clean freak a little nervous. But hey this may just work because just now he ran to the toilet and went pee! Yay Ethan!! So here we go....


June Duehring said...

Hey, Evan potty trained right at his 2nd birthday and it wasn't a long drawn out process at all. Maybe Ethan will be your easy one.

Unknown said...

OH no! Good luck! That'll be great if he just takes care of training himself, huh?

Paula said...

Awesome! Good job Ethan.