Avery heard that her Cousin Malia was trying to stop sucking her thumb by putting tape on her thumb at night and she didn't think that was such a bad idea. For two nights now daddy has taped up her thumbs and the tape has stayed on all night. Last night she was very tired and once in bed started asking me if she could please take the tape off, but after some convincing ended up leaving it on. I took a picture of her sleeping right after she fell asleep when she usually has her thumb in her mouth. Our goal right now is to go this whole week with the tape at night. She didn't want me to take a picture of her at first and doesn't want anyone to see it so, shhh, but i posted it because she will want to see it someday. When i got home from work last night she had some new for me too. She learned how to ride without her training wheels!! Daddy worked with her for a long time last night and she rode all over the parking lot. Daddy said she took quite a few spills, and he did a lot of running! I will have to take pics tonight because i wasn't there to catch any pictures.
4 years ago
Good luck with the thumbsucking. All three of my kids suck on their fingers--all the time. I keep telling them I'm going to buy them all binkies. Brandon's thing to go to sleep is to rub mommy's arm. How do you break that? Tape up mommy's arm? :)
Oh my goodness, Avery looks like Jessica in that first picture. I have never seen that in her before, but with that little grin she looks so much like her. Do you see it? Anyways, I think that's a great idea! I've never heard of that before! I hope she is able to kick the habit.
Good luck! Her secret is safe...:)
I do see Jessica in that little grin, i've never seen any resemblance before but i do in that picture! I'm also glad to see i'm not the only one who blogs at 1 am :)
That's it Roxy, tape up the arm, how funny:) Johnny said he's going to make Reagan take a binky so she doesn't become a thumb sucker:)
Yes, between 10:30 and 2 a.m. is when I get the most things accomplished. :) Although, I think I'm getting too old for it cause the last couple weeks I've felt like my eyes had bricks on them around midnight and went to bed "early" :) I was able to get a lot accomplished last night because I took a 3 hour nap when Braden did (Ben and Braden both sick) so I was feeling pretty wired at about midnight last night. :)
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