Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sometimes It Doesn't Work....

to hold off nap time. She could easily take two naps, but their is not time between the times of taking and picking up the kids from school so i hold her off and let her take one long one after lunch. Yesterday at 9:30 she was sitting in the living room drinking her bottle with her eyes closed, i left her alone thinking when the bottle was gone she would get up and play but this is how i found her a few minutes later. She slept like this for an hour. Then when i got home from work last night she was sleeping in the middle of the living room floor flat on her back. Johnny said she had just layed down and fell asleep, yesterday must have been an exausting day for her.


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! I can't believe how kids can fall asleep in the most uncomfortable positions. They just go go go until exhaustion, I guess. =)

grammaneir said...

I don't think those positions are uncomfortable for the kids - for us, yes:) How cute!

Paula said...

Abigail is merging into one nap too but some days she has other ideas!