Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Packing Fun

make sure you pack me, mommy!

It's been a crazy busy week with VBS at church each night for Trey and Avery, me working a couple of nights, Johnny finishing up a couple of side jobs, and starting to get packed for vacation. Ethan asks me each time he sees me getting stuff together "ready to go on cation?!" "i'm gonna ride on the crocodiles back" Yes he thinks he will be riding a crocodile! He also is confused and thinks that there are crocodiles in the ocean, and i caught Trey being an ornery big brother and telling him that he told the crocodiles to eat him. Sooo when we get there who knows if he will be terrified of the water, he may not want to go anywhere near the ocean....we are going to alligator adventure which is what has brought on all the talk of alligators and crocodiles.

1 comment:

grammaneir said...

How cute! Be careful on your long trip and have a fun time.